Under the inspired leadership of the late Kim Arndt, the C. G. Jung Institute Alumni Association (JIAA) was created in 2012. Her vision and leadership focused on creating a supportive and collegial post-graduate community for all graduates throughout the world. Her spirit will continue to inspire us as we go forward into the future.
As the C G Jung Institute flourishes with the International Block and residential German training programs, we are prepared to assist in whatever way we can to promote the Institute, its training advances and our fellow alumni. The alumni are a diverse, talented, and experienced group of Jungian-trained analysts. Our collective energy can help mentor new graduates, support each other as we seek new knowledge through analytical psychology, break new ground, and celebrate each other’s achievements. Our collective talents and ideas will help bring the work of C. G. Jung into the 21st century.
Carlos A. Ferreira
President, Alumni Association
Our mission statement can be characterized by a quote from Mysterium, “The one-after-another is a bearable prelude to the deeper knowledge of the side-by-side, for this is an incomparably more difficult problem” (CW14 § 206). By holding positions and values side by side we produce a diversity that can be used to promote a more complex, multi-dimensional view of Jungian psychology today.