Dear Graduates,
Becoming a Jungian gives you the capability to see the world through Dr. Jung’s spectacles. I pray that you become excellent at seeing from this perspective while never losing your own, unique standpoint.
Pater Otto Betler, OSB; St. Ottilien Archabbey, Germany
May your practice as a Jungian analyst bloom like a rose in your inner garden.
Martha Blake
The sadness of not gathering in person is allowing those of us who cannot come to graduation to share our hearts and so glad we are afforded this opportunity: congratulations and in French ‘félicitations’! The remarkable journey of training ends to open unto the privilege of working from the depths. May the rest of this journey be heartwarming and enriching.
Dominique Marguerite
Dear Graduates,
I wish you hearty congratulations on this well earned achievement, and joy in the celebration of this significant threshold crossing.
We warmly welcome you into our international community of analysts, and look forward to collaborating with you in our alumni association.
Cheryle Van Scoy
Dear Graduates of the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich,
Congratulations on successfully completing the arduous training program of the C.G. Jung Institue Zurich and welcome as fellow colleagues and Jungian analysts. Each graduate’s path to completing the training programme is unique, however, what is similar is the commitment, devotion, hard work and determination required in order to stick with it till the end. You have managed to overcome the personal and financial hurdles that life has thrown at you and have met all the requirements that comprise the training programme. You can be proud of this accomplishment.
There is a great need for analysts of your caliber in the world and the world needs to hear more about Jung and his contribution to our understanding of psyche. This augers well for your future, which I hope will be long, successful ….. and especially, meaningful to you as individuals.
As a past president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), I welcome you as colleagues and look forward to meeting some of you in person at a conference or IAAP Congress at some point in the future.
Heartfelt congratulations to each of you on this accomplishment!
Tom Kelly
Dear New Analysts,
I join with other alumni and colleagues around the world in sending hearty congratulations to each of you upon graduating and becoming a Certified Jungian Analyst.
When I graduated and returned to the States, I felt a deep shock at not having my colleagues and the spirit of the Institute close by. I missed them very much. Staying in touch in 2013 onward via the early days of the Alumni organization was not only a way to stay in communication, but also to organize international intervision and dream groups, the CG Jung Foundation, and more. I hope you stay in touch too. The gift of collegial support and long-lived relationships in this world-wide community of Zurich analysts and these difficult times is deeply rewarding.
With warmth,
Carol Walnum (2013)
Portland, Oregon
I send my congratulations and good wishes to all who have completed the training to become an analyst and are receiving your diplomas. I have not forgotten the extraordinary journey to the moment of graduation and continue to experience the joy which completion brings. You are an analyst!
Peter Kenney
Congratulations! And welcome to the community of Jungian Analysts.
You probably pictured yourself attending a graduation ceremony, in the Festsaal, as many of us have done before.
I sincerely hope that you find a nourishing way – your own way – to experience this special moment.
Jung asked for a stone to be placed in the garden at Eranos to honour the Genio Loci Ignoto, the Unknown Spirit of the Place. The Institute in Küsnacht has also a vibrant Spirit of Place.
Perhaps you can spend time, in your imagination, to reconnect with this Spirit for a moment – remember the gentle sound of water coming from the lake, the colours of the rose garden and all the different rooms, benches, corners of the Institute – and of Zürich, that have witnessed meaningful events during your training. I pray that this Spirit of Place can, alongside all your colleagues, teachers, family and friends, accompany and affirm you during this transition.
Cécile Buckenmeyer (graduated in 2015)
The trials and inspirations from your training are what make it memorable. The work you bring to the world is your greatest expression of the Self. Congratulations!
Maureen O’Donnell (2013)
The diploma of Jungian analyst will guide you to a new deep journey with analysands.
It will be a new starting point to begin a meaningful life.
With respect to your hard work,
Hiroko Sakata
Congratulations new graduates
I expect the path to graduation was long and arduous which shaped devotion to the work. And somewhere along the way I hope you developed a religious attitude to enable you to approach your work with the humility and awe it deserves. Welcome to this wonderful and difficult life.
Melissa Werner
Welcome to New Graduates of the C.G. Jung Institute/Zurich
Dear Graduates.
Welcome to the world as a new Jungian analyst. The long journey that began with training will not end with the certificate you now hold. Your certificate is a sign. Those you have entrusted to lead you through your individual process are signifying that you are ready to enter the world that needs the tools you now possess to guide the soul. If you are like many of us, there will be times when you feel as if you have no tools, nor wise guidance. Trust what you know and trust the unconscious to now lead you. Your journey toward wholeness has just been renewed and revitalized. The world is looking forward to seeing the contributions that you all are about to make.
I wish all of you congratulations, good luck and good health.
Janis Maxwell
Dear colleagues,
Congratulations!!! Welcome to our community!
Embracing some words form our professor, we are not Jungians! Let’s be, together, as dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants – nanos gigantum humeris insidentes. “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” (Sir Isaac Newton, 1676).
Be yourself and stay deeply connected with the ones around you, with nature and spirit.
Enjoy your next ride!
Wishing you all the best!
Carlos A Ferreira
Dearest ones, welcome among us Jungian analysts. Like each step of the identification process, it has its efforts but necessary to continue its identification. I dedicate to everyone a dream of mine that I have had in these days. It is a February day the garden is covered with snow. I am amazed to see flowers in the center of the garden: violets and a red rose. Between myself I reflect: the earth under the snow is already ready for spring, a rebirth.
Elvira Valente
Dear colleagues. Our profession requires study, study, and more study, in addition to a lot of personal analysis and supervision. We are our own working tool and we have an immense responsibility for every little gesture or word we utter. Becoming a Jungian Analyst is a blessing full of commitment and hard work.
Cheers in your career!
Warm wishes,
Solange Bertolotto Schneider
Congratulations to the 2020 graduates. This is a journey you will never forget and it is life changing. I wish all of you the best in whatever
path you take in helping others.
Zuzana Plesa
I know nothing of your suffering and joy, or of the hands which guided your steps across this bridge. And yet you are here, in your own way celebrating the mysteries of light and simple knowledge of the heart. Who are we that welcome you but the welcome that was always there and which you always knew. Welcome home.
John O’Brien
Dear colleague, I’m happy to welcome you in our profession. Surely you will be better than me, when I started: I peeked into people’s souls… then I learned to help them to show themselves.
Work in progress.
Best wishes
Roberto Grande
Dear Graduates of CGJI-ZH, Spring 2020,
On behalf of the Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology (AGAP), we send hearty congratulations on your completion of training! We are well familiar with the arduous path—made all the more challenging by COVID-19 and the disruptions it has entailed for your private lives, training, and professional practices.
With best wishes for your journey forward,
Josephine Evetts-Secker & Stacy Wirth
AGAP Co-Presidents
Congratulations on joining the ranks of one of the most demanding but also rewarding professions there is. Please, though, remember it is the extent to which you manage to be fully present, the interest you show, the love, compassion and empathy you have for your clients/patients that will do as much if not more for them than the words you speak and any wisdom you are able to impart. As far as humanly possible resist the
temptation to impress them with all the wonderful knowledge and experience you have acquired. The goal of the work, the therapy, as I understand it, is that they become more empowered and gain confidence,
self acceptance and self compassion. All that you have learned and experienced in your own self-experience and the training should be now be utilized and employed to those ends.
Art Funkhouser, Bern
Dear New Graduates,
At this time of global turmoil, I want to congratulate you with two translated lines from a poem of the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore:
“Let this great wave that has risen dance inside you,
Let your entire soul be shaken awake, to respond in stride.”
Manisha Roy
Diplomate, C.G. Jung Institute-Zurich,1982
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2020! I know how meaningful crossing this threshold is to you!
More than ever the world needs dedicated individuals such as yourselves trying to understand the psyche. All the very best going forward!
Brian Mayo
Graduating Class of 97
“Only what is really oneself has the power to heal” CW7, para. 258
María Magdalena Demaría